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Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a program that strives to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
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Gifted and Talented
Mesa Public Schools Gifted and Talented department is committed to providing appropriate services for students who require differentiated educational services beyond those normally provided by our regular school program. Opportunities for depth and acceleration are offered to meet both affective and cognitive needs of our gifted and talented students.
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Music Education
The MPS Music Education Program provides support services for all elementary and secondary schools. The primary focus of the various programs, including band, choral music, general music, harp and orchestra is to develop comprehensive musicianship.
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Title I
Title I services are to help students have more opportunities to learn with materials and support. Our goal is to connect families to their student's learning and help our students reach their goals.
More About Title I